Sunday, November 16, 2014

REPOST: Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders

According to this article from Forbes, effective leaders are less like Santa Claus, but based on reality. Read more below:

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Want to build a great leader? Don’t start with a good person. Start with a bad person–then chisel, sandpaper and polish as necessary.

Most of the modern leadership development industry is based on a myth. It’s a feel-good myth, spread by consultants and academics and “gurus,” about how the best leaders are collaborative, compassionate, empathetic and free of most defects of character.

But it’s false. The best human beings are collaborative, compassionate, empathetic and free of most defects of character. But the best leaders usually are not.

By “best leaders,” I’m talking mainly about people who consistently show the ability to get things done—the ability to sell others on an idea, the ability to take them in new directions, the ability to talk their way out of a jam, the ability to come back from a setback, and so on.

When will we admit it? Effective leaders are less like Santa Claus handing out gifts, less like Mother Teresa blessing sick people, and more like Kobe Bryant coolly sticking a dagger into the heart of an opponent as he drops a three-point buzzer beater to win a tight game.

I saw a column in another publication this morning that captured the modern management myth in all its naïve purity. It was a listicle offering signs of bad leadership—and it included the usual suspects like lack of empathy, bossiness and lack of humility.

Yet then why do we hail the Steve Jobs and the Bill and Hillary Clintons of modernity and the Caesars of antiquity? Their management styles and personalities are often the opposite of what the gurus preach.

The key question is this: If your organization is looking for a strong leader who can really get things done, can you afford to take a chance on the idealized notion that the gurus preach? Or you do you have to admit that you may need someone who has rough and unpleasant edges?

Most management consultants have nice ideas about what it would look like to build the perfect leader from scratch, from warm and fuzzy emotions and kind ingredients. But the influential book Cradles of Eminence revealed years ago that most big-stage leaders had unhappy childhoods. That unhappiness fuels the desire to “make a dent in the universe,” to use the words of Steve Jobs. That unhappiness also fuels the nasty streak that lets them get things done—and that nasty streak is always a mixed blessing.

Also, these leaders’ legacies are always more complicated than we pretend. There are disappointments and hurt feelings and near-disasters along the way. Indeed, big-time leaders usually need a certain amount of luck to retire with their reputations intact.

To the extent that management consultants (like myself) have anything to offer to the discussion of leadership, it’s our ability to challenge strong leaders to build a little humanity into their leadership practice, for their own long-term happiness and for the well-being of their organizations. It’s our ability to remind them that being too determined to put a dent in the universe may well put a dent in the lives of people around them.

But ultimately to build a good leader, you perhaps have to build on a foundation of “bad” qualities—that classic nasty competitive streak, excessive risk-taking, dangerous stubbornness and so on. And then you try to add in the restraint, the wisdom, the compassion and the other qualities that keep leaders from racing off a cliff in their zeal.

That notion of leadership is quite different from what most management gurus are trying to sell you. But at least it’s based on reality, as revealed from ancient times to our own.

The Bertrand Management Group specializes in business coaching. To know more about its work, like this Facebook page.

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